To pay for your order with a Bank Wire, start by selecting "Bank Wire" as your payment method at checkout. To lock in and guarantee your order, we require a 5% pre-authorization deposit on your debit or credit card. This deposit remains a pending charge on your card and does not materialize as a hard charge unless payment is not sent or the order is canceled, in accordance with our Market Loss and order cancelation policies. Once your Bank Wire payment is received, the 5% pre-authorization deposit is automatically voided and removed from your card.
After placing your order, you’ll receive our detailed Bank Wire payment instructions, including our bank account and routing information, on the order confirmation screen and via email. For Bank Wire payments, most financial institutions require you to visit in person to complete the transfer. A bank teller or employee will assist you in sending the full order total. Be sure to request that your order number is included on the reference line of the wire to ensure seamless processing.
Once we receive your payment, your order will be processed and shipped promptly. We typically receive your bank wire on the same day or the next business day after it's sent, depending on the time of day it was sent. You’ll receive an email confirming that your payment has been received and that the 5% pre-authorization deposit on your card has been voided and released. Orders typically ship within 1 business day after receipt of you payment.
Our friendly team would love to hear from you.
8898 Navajo Rd. Ste. C335, San Diego, CA 92119